Water Quality
Langlade County Health Department has a Wisconsin Certified water lab for bacteriological testing (coliform bacteria and E.coli) in drinking water.
Langlade County Health Department also accepted nitrate samples to be sent to another lab for analysis.
Clean drinking water is one of the most important substances in our lives. We use it daily for drinking, bathing, cooking and cleaning. The lab provides convenient, reliable and reasonably priced well water testing for private wells. This service is available to anyone and you do not need to be a resident of Langlade County to utilize the lab.
Bacteria Test Kit - $20.00
Nitrate Test Kit - $20.00
Each test kits includes a sterile sampling bottle, instructions on how to properly take a sample and lab test results.
Kits can be picked up at the Langlade County Health Department Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. Kits can also be mailed for a $5 shipping fee.
Bacteria water samples are accepted Monday-Wednesday from 8:30am-3:00pm.
Nitrate water samples are accepted Monday-Wednesday from 8:30am-3:00pm.
The lab also monitors the public drinking water supplies of facilities involved in the Langlade County Health Department’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) transient-non-community (TNC) systems program.
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recommends the following for testing of private wells:
Colifom Bacteria:
• Annually
• Anytime a new well is constructed
• Wells with no testing history
• A change in taste, odor or smellNitrate:
• Annually
• Newly constructed wells
• Wells with no testing history
• Before the well is used by an infant
• Before the well is used by a woman who is or may become pregnant
• Children using the well -
All samples must be processed at the lab within 24 hours of being sampled. The results of the samples will be available within 48 hours of being dropped off at the lab.
If a test results indicate coliform bacteria, a second sample should be taken to confirm the first result. If the second sample still indicates you well water has bacteria, you may contact a well driller or pump installer.
If a high level of nitrate is in your well, you may contact a well driller, pump installer for assistance and options.