Emergency Preparedness
The Langlade County Health Department works with community partners to make sure Langlade County is prepared for emergencies and able to respond to events that have the potential to affect the health of the community.
Our goal is to make our community safer, healthier, and more resilient. Disasters can happen at any time and our department works to prepare our community to prevent loss of life and promote recovery.
The Office of Preparedness and Emergency Health Care (OPEHC) has a bimonthly meeting. North Central Wisconsin Health Emergency Readiness Coalition (NCW-HERC) meets monthly.
For more information:
Ready.gov / Español
Ready Kids / Español
Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Emergency Preparedness Response
CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response / Español
Resilient Wisconsin / Resiliente
To sign up for WEAVR in Langlade County please visit: https://weavrwi.org