Immunization Clinics
Schedule your vaccine appointment online today.
Please call if you need a COVID-19 vaccine.
The Langlade County Health Department is responsible for all immunizations in Langlade County.
Immunization Program:
There is a Langlade County Immunization Coalition that ensures that all immunization requirements are met within the county. The health department provides free immunizations for children under the age of 18 who do not have insurance or are on Medical Assistance/Badgercare. Adults are also welcome to come and have their immunizations updated if they have insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare.
What vaccines does your child need?
What vaccines do you need?
You can schedule your immunization appointment online or by calling our office at 715-627-6250. COVID-19 vaccines require thawing time- please call to schedule if you need a COVID-19 vaccine.
Children’s Vaccines (Birth to 15 months)
• Dtap/IPV/Hepatitis B
• Dtap/IPV/HIB
• Dtap/IPV/HIB/Hepatitis B
• Polio
• Rotavirus
• Dtap
• Hepatitis B
• Pneumococcal 13
• Hepatitis A
• Varicella
• Influenza
• COVID-19
Children’s Vaccines (18 months- 18 years)
• Dtap/IPV
• Meningitis
• Tdap
• Meningitis B
• Influenza
• Varicella
• COVID-19
Adult (> 18 years)
• Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)
• Tetanus
• Hepatitis B
• Hepatitis A
• Influenza
• COVID-19
Vaccines for Adults:
The Langlade County Health Department provides free or low cost vaccines to eligible adults aged 19 and older who are uninsured or underinsured.
Vaccines for Children:
The Langlade County Health Department provides free or low cost vaccines to eligible children ages 18 years and younger.
Children are eligible if one of the following applies:
• Are enrolled or eligible for Medicaid
• Do not have health insurance
• Have health insurance that doesn’t pay for all vaccines
You are welcome to walk-in during the immunization clinic hours of:
Second Monday of each month from 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Fourth Wednesday of each month from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm